
User Guide

Content Page

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. Features
  4. Additional Help
  5. Acknowledgements

1. Introduction

Welcome to Duke, your one stop task manager! :smile: With great usability and a simple design, it’s never been easier to manage your tasks!

2. Getting Started

  1. Ensure that you have at least Java 11 installed.
  2. Download the software here
  3. Once downloaded, you should see the welcome page:


  1. Great! You’re all set. Happy exploring! :grin:

3. Features

  1. Adding Tasks
  2. Deleting Tasks
  3. Updating Tasks
  4. Marking Task as Done
  5. View Tasks
  6. Find Tasks
  7. Exit
  8. In-App Help

    3.1 Adding Tasks

    Tutors suddenly bombarding you with assignments and you can’t keep track of it? :no_mouth: Let Duke help you!
    There are 3 different types of tasks you can add: todo, deadline and event tasks.
    todo task: todo <task name>
    • Add a task to be done with no specific timing.
deadline task: deadline <task name> /by <DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm>
event task: event <task name> /at <DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm>

3.2 Deleting Tasks

Added something wrongly? :cold_sweat: Don’t worry!

Change it with the delete instruction.

delete: delete <task number>

3.3 Updating Tasks

Teammates suddenly rescheduled your meeting timing? :unamused: No problem.

Just update the corresponding task!

update: update <task number> /to <task format>

3.4 Marking Task as Done

Finally done with the task but don’t want to delete it so you can see how much you accomplished? :nerd_face:

Just mark it as done.

done: done <task number>

3.5 View Tasks

So many tasks you can’t even remember what you have? :exploding_head:

Just type list to view all the tasks you have!

list: list

3.6 Find Tasks

I swear I still had to do something from 2103 but where is it on my list? :woozy_face:

Just find the keyword you are looking for!

find: find <keyword>

3.7 Exit

Finally done with organising my tasks. Time to start on them :sob:

Just type bye to close Duke.

bye: bye

3.8 In-App Help

So many instructions, so little brain! How to remember all the instructions :astonished:

Just type help in Duke to see all available commands!

help: help

4. Additional Help

Q: Do I need to copy the Github repo to be able to use Duke?
A: Nope you just need to download the .jar file to run it!

Q: Why am I unable to run the JAR file?
A: Please ensure that your laptop supports at least Java 11.

If you have any other queries, feel free to contact me on GitHub!

5. Acknowledgements

Thank you @ruilingk for letting me reference your UI.
Image of DaDuke
Image of DaUser